Mountain Heavens is nestled in the middle of the charismatic village of Ella and is the only hotel here whose view is focussed through the legendary Ella Gap. Enjoy the most panoramic views of mystic Ella Gap, especially the unmissably gorgeous sunrises.
Placed strategically on the right side of the hotel is the mighty Ella Rock, which bears testimony to the great Hindu epic the Ramayana and Little Adam’s Peak on the left with its beautiful view. The much photographed Ella Gap is panoramically poised between with its spectacular view right up to the southern coast. One can also enjoy the legendry Ravana Falls (of Ramayana fame) as it majestically cascades down the rock face, from the hotel itself.
The hotel’s location ensures you enjoy this magnificent view from every point, be it the entrance/reception, the dinning area and certainly every bedroom, not forgetting the bathroom too! This is just one of the reasons why you should stay here, there are other reasons too like the spacious accommodation with all amenities at hand, authentic Sri Lankan fare, a well stocked bar to relax and enjoy, the infinity swimming pool that merges with the mountain tops, the helpful and friendly staff and most importantly being close to all the major attractions, yet surrounded by an unmatched peace and quiet that every traveller yearns for.